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FEMa 90-123 Form: What You Should Know

Record Type: DATABASE Filing Date: 02/06/2018  Filing State: CA.

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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing FEMa Form 90-123

Instructions and Help about FEMa Form 90-123

How's everybody doing? Everybody enjoyed all the news articles at night? You let me get to you like into me. Let's push through a bunch of crap going on, alright? FEMA administrator Brock Long had his own crisis to deal with as hurricane Florence hit the Carolinas. "I'm not going anywhere, alright? We are a team, am I clear? We're a team, let's concentrate on these people," he said. Today, a congressional panel asked Long to produce documents related to any time he may have used a government car for a personal trip over the weekend. He fended off questions about his travel and addressed tweets from his boss, President Trump, about the US response to Hurricane Maria. "We live in a fast food news society. People read a salacious headline. You cannot explain FEMA and 140 characters in a tweet. And so, therefore, there are some unrealistic expectations placed on this agency," Long explained. One of those unrealistic expectations is that FEMA manages storm response from top to bottom. In reality, they help local agencies prepare by bringing in manpower and supplies, and they fill in the gaps when help is needed. As hurricane Florence gathered strength last week, local agencies prepared for the calls to come in. This is what a hurricane looks like when it touches down in North Carolina, about 50 miles north of the center of the storm. And these are the people who respond to it. This is the Onslow County Emergency Operations Center, and this is the situation line where they address the biggest problems to everyone. "Daylight is here, so we can have an expectation that the phones are going. That's busy here," one official said. The disaster response here has less to do with 4-letter federal acronyms and more to do...